Action Alert!

Action Alert!

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We need to Protect the Habitat Conservation Fund (HCF):

It’s true that California’s state budget deficit is significant. However, it is short-sighted and would be an enormous mistake for the Governor and legislature to violate Prop 117 and to strip the Habitat Conservation Fund (HCF) of critical funding.

What this means: More than $100 million of funding critical for meeting the state’s 30×30, nature-based solutions to climate change, and wildlife connectivity goals are at stake.

The eastern ridge line acquisition adjacent to Chino Hills State Park could be purchased with this funding source—if the funds are retained.

Please contact Governor Newsom and your legislator TODAY to tell them to #ProtectTheHCF. Use points from this post to craft your message!

Find your legislator:

Contact the Governor: (Select Budget Revision May 2024-2025)