New Tool Released for Fire Prediction

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The Santa Ana Wildfire Threat Index (SAWTI) categorizes Santa Ana winds based on anticipated fire potential.  The tool breaks down Southern California into four geographies, outlines the areas where fires will have low (marginal) to extreme rates of growth, and current weather conditions. This product is produced by the USDA Forest Service and Predictive Services.  Check it out and bookmark the page.

Chino Hills Commission Considers New General Plan

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Did you know the Planning Commission for the City of Chino Hills is poised to recommend approval of the new General Plan tomorrow night (January 7)? The question of the day is… does the Plan remove the existing hillside protections and/or violate Measure U? We are researching it to find out, unfortunately we only got 48 hours notice about the meeting. In case you want to attend, the Planning Commission meets Wednesday night, January 7 at 7 PM (14000 City … Read More

Conservationist Chuck Hanson Dies at 91

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We share in the loss of Whittier resident Chuck Hanson, one the founders of the Friends of Whittier Hills. His legacy of saving land in the Whittier area is both remarkable and long lasting. We owe him a lot. In these difficult times, we wish his family comfort even as we also feel ever so grateful for the gift of his life.  Services will be held on Saturday, January 3, 2015. View his obituary in the Whittier Daily News.

State Park Reopens After Rains

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CHINO HILLS STATE PARK will REOPEN TODAY, Tuesday, December 23, 2014 at 8 AM. The park will reopen this morning. There are some areas which still have some standing water. Please walk or ride around these areas to protect the trail. High winds are forecasted for today which will continue to loosen the Russian thistle (tumbleweeds) in and around the park causing them to gather in certain areas making some trails difficult to pass or impassable. Damp and soft soils … Read More

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