Hills For Everyone is pleased to announce we’ve partnered with Assemblymember Phillip Chen to introduce a bill to expand Chino Hills State Park and require the Department of Parks and Recreation to take the lands it has always envisioned to have, into its ownership.
Here are the specifics:
- Three properties have been identified (two willing sellers and one donation) totaling 1,611 acres. View the map below.
- We’ve identified several sources for acquisition dollars from federal, state, and local funding sources.
- These lands were identified 40 years ago as priorities and are consistent with the goals of the State Park General Plan to protect the ridgelines and create wildlife corridors.
- The entire State Park system stopped acquiring additional lands a decade ago, yet our population and need for parks continues to grow. This bill turns the tide.
We just got word that AB 2021 is scheduled for hearing before the Assembly Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee on Tuesday, March 24. The bill language is quite simple and direct, view it online. Submit a support letter on this bill.
View a map of the priority acquisitions below.