Cielo Vista
Latest Past Events
Fifty Shades of Green Fundraiser
City of Brea 1 Civic Center Circle, BreaProtect Our Homes and Hills is thrilled to announce its first big fundraiser! The event, called “Fifty Shades of Green” is a Salute to the Hills. The hills, and their many shades of green provide a beautiful setting, a peaceful backdrop and a reminder of why we live in Yorba Linda. Yes, many of these hills are protected, but some are not. Our volunteer-based organization formed several years ago to keep our quality of life, our safety and our community protected … Read More
Public Forum
Travis Ranch School 5200 Via de la Escuela, Yorba LindaThe Yorba Linda City Council will convene at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 to discuss the Esperanza Hills and Cielo Vista projects. It will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room at Travis Ranch Elementary School, 5200 Vía de la Escuela, Yorba Linda. Download the agenda.