Below are other research papers focused on wildfires and their impacts to habitats, including the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor.

Halsey, Richard and Dylan Tweed. 2013. Why Large Wildfires in Southern California? Refuting the Fire Suppression Paradigm (PDF – 625 KB)
A new scientific review and five major studies now refute the often repeated notion that past fire suppression and “unnatural” fuel build-up are responsible for large, high-intensity fires in southern California. Such fires are a natural feature of the landscape. Fire suppression has been crucial in protecting native shrubland ecosystems that are suffering from too much fire rather than not enough. The research has also shown that the creation of mixed-age classes (mosaics) of native chaparral shrublands through fuel treatments like prescribed burns will not provide reliable barriers to fire spread; however, strategic placement may benefit fire suppression activities.

Syphard, Alexandra D., Jon E. Keeley, Avi Bar Massada, Teresa J. Brennan, Volker C. Radeloff. 2012. Housing Arrangement and Location Determine the Likelihood of Housing Loss Due to Wildfire (PDF – 791 KB)
Land use planning used to alleviate wildfire risk has been largely missing from the debate despite large numbers of homes being placed in the most
hazardous parts of the landscape.

Coal Canyon Wildfire (2002)Hills For Everyone. 2011. A 100 Year History of Wildfires Near Chino Hills State Park. (PDF – 2.57 MB)
Though fires are a natural part of the ecosystem, there is nothing natural about the size and frequency of the fires destroying our wildlands year after year. This study is the culmination of research that documents a near 100-year fire history (1914-2011) in and around Chino Hills State Park. Fire perimeters and points of origin are used to articulate the problem months, weather conditions, and “hot spots” of fire ignition. A feature of this study also includes digital datasets for the public, agencies, and jurisdictions to interact with via Google Earth.

Hills For Everyone. 2019. UPDATED: 104 Years of Wildfire History Near Chino Hills State Park. (PDF – 2.57 MB)
Given the recent upsurge in large damaging wildfires in California, six years after completing its first Wildfire History Report for Chino Hills State Park, Hills For Everyone updated its research to include fires between 2012 and 2018. The Study now includes 104 years of wildfire history. This paper updates tables, statistics, and maps, and reviews the recommendations from the 2012 Study to determine if progress has been made at reducing fire ignitions. A few additional recommendations and future areas to study are included in this report as well. We will continue to work with fire and natural resource agencies to bring the necessary resources to this area.