The County of Orange proposes to widen and straighten Brea Canyon Road from two lanes to four lanes. The widening would extend from Brea’s city limits to below the Los Angeles County line.


  • The County has released the Draft Environmental Impact Report.
  • Public comments were due Friday, February 3, 2023.
  • Hills For Everyone submitted a substantive comment letter (37.8 MB PDF) on deficiencies in the Draft Environmental Impact Report.
  • The County of Orange officially withdrew the road widening project in March 2023 because of such great opposition.


  • This area of the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor is the only place wildlife can safely cross under the 57 freeway from the Chino Hills side of the hills to the Puente Hills side.
  • Widening the road, adding lighting, and building median barriers will sever the connection that is necessary for wildlife to continue to move within the hillside system.
  • At the two public meetings that have been held in Brea, residents generally opposed the widening of Brea Canyon, viewing it as an invitation for more cars.
  • Residents also viewed it as taxpayer money improperly funding road improvements that could facilitate Aera Energy’s development of its adjacent 3,000 acres.
  • Los Angeles County has no intention of widening its portion of the road.