The International Buddhist Progress Society has proposed an expansion of its Hsi Lai Temple in Hacienda Heights. The project is being processed through the County of Los Angeles.
- The County of Los Angeles held a virtual meeting in November 2020. The draft Environmental Impact Report should be released in 2022.
- This area of the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor is at a choke point for wildlife movement between Powder Canyon and Arroyo San Miguel Canyon–both part of the Habitat Authority’s Puente Hills Preserve.
- The proposed trail realignment is within a riparian and oak woodland area, which serves as the wildlife movement location. These are incompatible uses.
- Developing existing natural lands near the only remaining wildlife movement areas, adding lighting, buildings, and people may sever the connection that is necessary for wildlife to continue to move within the hillside system.
- The neighboring Habitat Authority lands are within the Los Angeles County Significant Ecological Area, but the applicant completed the project application prior to adoption of the new regulations and thus the project doesn’t need to adhere to the stricter rules.