Olinda LandfillThe Olinda Landfill is situated in unincorporated Orange County immediately west of the northern portion of Chino Hills State Park in Carbon Canyon.


  • OC Waste and Recycling will hold a virtual meeting on Thursday, November 12, 2020 as it prepares and addendum to the Draft Environmental Impact Report.


  • The proposal, as of November 2020, would expand the life of the landfill from 2021 to 2036 as better compaction, recycling, and settlement has occured.
  • This ridgetop landfill at the top of Valencia Avenue near Brea is a visible scar on the hills, so much so that it can be seen on satellite images from space.
  • This is one of three sites operated by the OC Waste & Recycling Department. Its operation was extended another eight years. It was proposed to close in 2021, but this latest extension could have it close in 2036.
  • In exchange for “hosting” this landfill and putting up with the negative impacts associated with it, Brea has been allocated a package worth $30 million in mitigation money.
  • It seems a variety of interests have their sights set on using this mitigation money for other purposes.