Escrow Closes on 80 Acres

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We are thrilled to announce escrow has closed on the 80 acre Eastbridge property. The land was surrounded on three sides by Chino Hills State Park and on one side by the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (L.A. Mountains). Thanks to the landowner (the Shopoff Group), the Wildlife Conservation Board, our consultants, and MRCA for their hard work making this conservation acquisition happen.

Chino Champion Covers Conservation Funding

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Thank you to the Champion Newspapers for continuing to cover Hills For Everyone’s work on Chino Hills State Park. This article captures the May 2021 Wildlife Conservation Board meeting where funding was appropriated for two acquisitions next to the State Park. View the Chino Champion article.

30 by 30 Campaign

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Yesterday we participated in a virtual workshop put on by the state that will use Nature Based Solutions to meet California’s climate goals and the Governor’s goal of protecting 30% of our lands and waters by 2030. Nature Based Solutions include: land acquisition, restoration, adding trees in urban areas, etc. We have received grant funding to be engaged in the 30×30 campaign for SoCal–and yes, we have big plans for 2021. Stay tuned.

USFWS Thanks HFE for its Work

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Our conservation work requires a lot of partnerships at the local, regional, state, and federal level. We were deeply appreciative of the letter we received yesterday from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the 320 acre acquisition we helped facilitate earlier this year. The Service’s funding was instrumental to this success. Your support, and the support of all of our partners, makes this work possible.

Chino Champion Covers Acquisition

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Thanks to Marianne Napoles with the Chino Champion for her great article on the acquisition effort. As a side note, the long term goal for this land is for it to be added to the State Park, but it is currently NOT in Park’s ownership. And, another shout out to Melanie Schlotterbeck for her participation in the interview. In our opinion, it is better protected, than in private hands–so we’ll take our wins where we get them! View the Chino … Read More

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