Acorn Woodpeckers

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Acorn woodpeckers are found throughout the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. These woodpeckers are known for hoarding acorns and nuts; and eating insects. Food is stored in granaries and hold thousands upon thousands of nuts/acorns. Woodpeckers excavate cavities for nests in dead or living tree limbs, utility poles, buildings, etc. There are usually 3-6 eggs per clutch with an incubation period of 11 days. Have you seen any woodpeckers in the Corridor?

Birds Imperiled

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The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has determined that one in four birds have disappeared due to habitat loss and pesticide use in the last 50 years. Birds are essential to the success of any ecosystem because they help spread seeds thereby helping the vegetation grow. Birdwatchers play an important role in helping the on-the-ground study. You can play a role in the conservation of birds by getting involved in bird counts. Read the Cornell Daily Sun article.

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