Blue Ridge Fire Update

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Time for another update. Unfortunately, less information has been available publicly about the #BlueRidgeFire perimeter and its hotspots today than on previous days. For example, CalFire still lists the acreage as 14,334–which was the acreage listed yesterday and we know the fire is continuing to slowly burn. The good news is, most community members evacuated from the Blue Ridge Fire have made it back home, including Hills For Everyone staff. Here is what we can share today: 1. We’ve created … Read More

Fire at 14,334 Acres

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It is our understanding that the Blue Ridge Fire has 16% containment and has burned 14,334 acres as of the briefing this morning. These numbers have been adjusted from the 15,200 acre estimate yesterday now that revised mapping has been completed. From our sources (fire agencies, state park staff, and eye witness accounts), here is what we know today: 1. Most of this acreage burned appears to be in the San Bernardino County portion of the Chino Hills State Park. … Read More

Blue Ridge Fire Burns 56% of State Park

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While the official fire perimeter has NOT been released because it is still an active event, we digitized the perimeter provided by CAL FIRE from the briefing this morning and have estimated (not confirmed) that roughly 7,960 acres of Chino Hills State Park have burned. This amounts to 56% of the State Park. Again, this is just an estimate pulling together sources from publicly available maps and overlaying the data.

Blue Ridge Fire Up to 15,200 Acres

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Chino Valley Independent Fire District has reported the Blue Ridge Fire is over 15,200 acres with 10 structures in Yorba Linda damaged or destroyed. Stay aware. Stay away. Be prepared. Evacuate early. We do not have information on where the active flame front is located. Eye witnesses are providing details as they emerge in specific geographies. If you need an evacuation check list the Carbon Canyon Fire Safe Council has one ready to go.

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