Spring 2023 Newsletter
Spring 2023 Newsletter (811KB PDF) Highlights:
Spring 2023 Newsletter (811KB PDF) Highlights:
Did you know bobcats are the most numerous wild cats in the Americas and that they are found in the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor? These felines are much smaller than cougars and have smaller territories. Unlike cougars whose tails are nearly as long as their body, bobcats have a short, stubby tail (see photo!). Bobcats are generally solitary animals who avoid human contact.
While this is well outside the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor… this is a great illustration of the agility, balance, and jumping capacity of bobcats. Did you know that bobcats can jump several meters from a standstill? (~12 feet) This bobcat was trying to avoid getting wet, but certainly made the jump, landing, and future hops look easy. (Video: This bobcat jumps between pillars to avoid getting wet in Louisiana.)
Did you know bobcats are the most numerous wild cats in the Americas and are found in the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor? They are much smaller than cougars and have smaller territories. Unlike cougars whose tails are nearly as long as their body, bobcats have a short, stubby tail. Bobcats are solitary animals who tend to avoid human contact.
Bob the cat… or bobcat. We saw you in Chino Hills State Park today. Your silence walking through the brush was amazing.