Sept. 9 – CA Gnatcatchers

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California Gnatcatchers are small songbirds whose range extends from Baja Mexico to Ventura County. These birds only use specific habitats, like Coastal Sage Scrub, which is often prime land for development. Because of this loss of habitat and the potential to lose the species, the federal government added this bird to the federal endangered species list. This listing offers it added protections when developments do occur. The Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor includes hillsides with scrub habitat and this little bird.

Feds Keep California Gnatcatcher Listed as Threatened

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The Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor has many lands protected due to the presence of threatened or endangered species. In September, the federal government considered removing (or delisting) on species we have in our hills–the California Gnatcatcher. Thankfully, they decided to keep it listed as threatened, which helps our conservation efforts. Check out the article in the Los Angeles Times article.

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