HFE’s February E-Newsletter

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May the green hillsides and snow capped mountains remind you of the importance of our local conservation work. We have two exciting announcements: a settlement agreement preserving the Tres Hermanos property and our annual recap of our work in 2018. And, because a lot of questions on the reasons for trail closures post-rain event have been asked, we are sharing information on why closures are necessary. Review the February 2019 E-Newsletter. Subscribe to our email list.

History of Tres Hermanos

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Thanks to local blogger Paul Spitzzeri and his research posted on the Carbon Canyon Chronicle. This article reveals some of the history behind Tres Hermanos and the proposed solar factory, which was in the works until the settlement agreement between the Cities of Diamond Bar, Industry, and Chino Hills. View the Carbon Canyon Chronicle blog.

Tres Hermanos Success

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Here is an article on the Tres Hermanos settlement agreement. Hills For Everyone Executive Director Claire Schlotterbeck is quoted in the article, which highlights why the land was protected and what future uses are allowed. Download the Chino Champion article.

Cities Reach Historic Agreement

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Today three cities who are intimately interested in the future of the 2,750 acre Tres Hermanos Ranch in Upper Tonner Canyon reached agreement on its future governance. The Cities of Chino Hills and Diamond Bar thwarted Industry’s efforts to build a solar farm on the ranch land Industry was buying when both cities filed three lawsuits each in the fall of 2017. Both cities would have lost land use authority over the 2,750 acres because the solar farm project would have … Read More

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