City of Industry Risking $9M for Solar Farm

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It appears the City of Industry has already put out $9M to advance plans on a solar farm in Tonner Canyon even though they don’t yet own the land. There are still a lot of land use decisions that remain including zone changes–but entities outside the City of Industry. Without those changes the City wouldn’t get very far in its plans. See the San Gabriel Valley Tribune article.

Industry Partner Sought for Debt Collection

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The fun just keeps happening thanks to the great reporting of the San Gabriel Valley Tribune. It appears the entity, the San Gabriel Valley Water and Power LLC, the City of Industry is planning to use for its solar farm in Tonner Canyon is being pursed by debt collectors for owing $50M on other troubled past developments. See the San Gabriel Valley Tribune article.

Industry’s Plans Revealed in City Meeting–Solar Farm

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So it is now out that the City of Industry does want to put a massive solar farm on the Tres Hermanos property in Tonner Canyon. It is so big, it could generate 10% of the electricity used by the City of Los Angeles! Based on the article, it seems the City of Chino Hills disagrees with the City of Industry’s estimates on how much land will actually need to be graded for this to happen. Reminder, this has NOT … Read More

Industry’s Secrets Revealed

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With the latest news (released through an investigative reporter) of a solar farm and reservoir for Tres Hermanos, the City of Industry, doesn’t appear to want to divulge information publicly–especially to neighboring cities impacted by the plans. There is a public process to follow. Best line in the article: “You are a public agency, City of Industry. Act like it.” View the Whittier Daily News article.

Ideas Abound for Tres Hermanos

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Hmmm… what to do with the 2,500 acre Tres Hermanos property owned by the City of Industry’s now disbanded Redevelopment Agency? Apparently there are a few plans: 7,500 new residents or a 1,000 acre solar farm. This summer things will be quite interesting as the groundwork for a decision gets laid. Hills For Everyone’s Executive Director Claire Schlotterbeck says neither option is very appealing. View the San Gabriel Valley Tribune article.

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