September E-Newsletter
Learn about the status of SB 266 and the Hoff Project in Yorba Linda, as well as how to prepare for the next wildfire. Read the September E-Newsletter.
Learn about the status of SB 266 and the Hoff Project in Yorba Linda, as well as how to prepare for the next wildfire. Read the September E-Newsletter.
Hills For Everyone urges Yorba Linda residents to sign this petition to stop the conversion of designated Open Space to other uses like housing. Sign the petition by July 1st. The City of Yorba Linda is presently considering a project on 41 acres zoned as Open Space. Unfortunately, some governmental agencies view the “Open Space” designation as a “temporary” land use, meaning it can change in the future to residential, commercial, industrial, etc. The problem is, this particular land was … Read More
City of Yorba Linda continues to allow development on lands designated as open space. The 41 acre Hoff property adjacent to Chino Hills State Park would include a 15,000 square foot home. Comments are due Wednesday, April 21st at 5 PM. View the email sent to Yorba Linda residents.
As some of you may know, there is a wildfire burning north of Green River Golf Course. Based on the aerial footage, portions of Chino Hills State Park near Scully Ridge Trail and Lower Aliso Canyon Trail appear to be burning. Please follow all evacuation orders and be prepared to leave if you are near the wildfire. View the ABC Channel 7 Newscast.
Who wants good news!? Protect Our Homes and Hills just announced the City of Yorba Linda has denied the grading and encroachment application for the Esperanza Hills development. View the email announcement.