Restore Forest Funding

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Hills For Everyone is concerned about the recent loss of Forest Service employees because the health of the Cleveland National Forest is linked to the health of the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. If you care about public lands or the Wildlife Corridor, call or email your federal elected officials. Tell them to defend public lands and re-instate public land employees. Congressional Leaders Senators

Mountain Lion Killed in Local Forest

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We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of the five year old mountain lion dubbed “Scar” and “El Cobre.” There are less than two dozen cougars left in the Santa Ana Mountains. Scar was illegally shot and his body was not found where the shooting occurred–meaning he was mortally wounded and walked off to his death. His radio collar signaled the “mortality alert” with his lack of movement over an eight hour period. The SoCal subspecies of mountain … Read More

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