January 2024 E-Newsletter
Hills For Everyone’s January e-newsletter spotlights: two upcoming decisions, a recently funded acquisition, the return of Glenn Parker to our board, and the loss of Cliff the mountain lion. Read the e-newsletter.
Hills For Everyone’s January e-newsletter spotlights: two upcoming decisions, a recently funded acquisition, the return of Glenn Parker to our board, and the loss of Cliff the mountain lion. Read the e-newsletter.
The Los Angeles Times did a spectacular write up on P-22’s life, legacy, and death. We encourage you to read it, to understand it, and to support groups like Hills For Everyone working to link landscapes together for wildlife connectivity. View the Los Angeles Times obituary for P-22. As part of the backstory: the creation of the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing was inspired by the lack of habitat connectivity between the Santa Monica Mountains and the Simi Hills at the … Read More
Spring 2022 Newsletter (925KB PDF) Highlights: Saving Coal Canyon (Again) Park Grows Again Brea 265 Dispatch Phone Numbers Esperanza Hills Update Fire Damage Repair
From Vermont to Montana, California to Florida–the retrofitting of roadways with wildlife overpasses or underpasses is finally gaining traction. With ~1.5 million vehicle-wildlife collisions each year and costing more than $8 billion annually it is time we start providing safe passages for deer, cougars, elk, alligators, bears, porcupines, etc. In the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor, Coal Canyon was the first preserved wildlife underpass. The second, was the retrofitting and addition of an underpass at Harbor Blvd. More locations are in … Read More
Tecate Cypress trees once covered all of the southwest a million years ago when the climate was cooler and wetter. A remnant population of this rare tree is protected south of the 91 Freeway. A 2006 fire killed most of the mature trees, and multiple fires have occurred in the canyon. Fingers are crossed the rebounding seedlings grow old enough to produce seeds before another fire.