Policy as a Conservation Tool 4 of 5

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Tuesday Tips!Policy as a Conservation Tool 4 of 5 There are usually time limits to testimony, so it is important to be effective immediately. Get others to work with you and support your cause. And plan out your speeches, so everyone covers something new. This saves time, keeps thing moving, and will be noticed by decision makers.

Policy as a Conservation Tool 1 of 5

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Tuesday Tips!Policy as a Conservation Tool 1 of 5 Participating in governmental decisions is key to conservation. Three basic steps that create a foundation of knowledge is reviewing agendas, writing comment letters, and testifying before the decision making body. Hills For Everyone does all of these across four counties and ~12 cities.

Voting 1 of 5

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Californians have a history of supporting bonds that help protect our natural lands. This is the standard way to fund conservation projects. If Proposition 4 passes, Hills For Everyone will be able to secure adequate funding to finish the eastern ridgelines of Chino Hills State Park. This particular acquisition of roughly 800 acres, has been on our wish list, as well as the state park system’s wish list, for over 45 years. We urge a Yes on Prop 4.

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