Editorial on Protecting Cougars

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The Los Angeles Times published an editorial on the threats facing cougar populations locally and statewide. Humans have greatly impacted the cougar count because of roads, encroachment, and rodenticides. As the Editorial Board correctly stated, we need to consider how to reduce our impacts on these populations or they will forever vanish from the landscape. View the Los Angeles Times Editorial.

The Loss of P-22

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He found his own home in the Hollywood Hills as a three year old cougar. A location beyond anyone’s wildest imagination–as it is an isolated range. He was a bachelor. He was a beloved ambassador for cougars and other threatened wildlife species across the globe. He inspired the creation of the Wallis-Annenberg Wildlife Crossing at Liberty Canyon. He was P-22. His health in decline from poor human choices (outdoor use of rat poisons, domestic cats outside transmitted diseases to him, … Read More

Cougars Suffering

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While this may be hard to read, it is an important reminder that we need to do better to protect these beautiful creatures from the harmful effects of habitat isolation. Genetic defects are because of mating with close relatives (inbreeding). That’s why Hills For Everyone continues to work on connectivity solutions in the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor.

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