Cougar Now a Candidate Species

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A video/conference call/live stream meeting started at 9:30 this morning. The agenda item we were waiting for was #32 (of 33). The item began at 3:45, with comments starting around 4:30. Our item ended at 5:53. Who hangs on a call for more than six hours? We do. Why? Because the California Fish and Game Commission was considering the fate of the sub-species of the California Mountain Lion in our area. The process for listing a species under the California … Read More

Cougars at Risk

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The cougars in the Santa Ana and Santa Monica Mountains face dire consequences if these “islands” of habitat are not connected. The cougars are genetically isolated, which causes inbreeding, and that means the mountain lions face local extinction. Corridors connecting other habitats and new females are needed to keep the populations genetically diverse. Read the Orange County Register article.

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