KABC Interview
We just finished an interview for KABC Channel 7 News covering the Esperanza Hills project. Watch for it… it airs tonight (September 6th) at 5:45 PM.
We just finished an interview for KABC Channel 7 News covering the Esperanza Hills project. Watch for it… it airs tonight (September 6th) at 5:45 PM.
Another day, another decision on Esperanza Hills by the OC Board of Supervisors. It was appalling to see the two female County Supervisors walk up and HUG the developer prior to the meeting. Thanks to Supervisor Wagner and Chaffee for their NO votes–and for telling the developer to work with the community to resolve the issues. Votes In Favor: Supervisor Steel, Bartlett, and Do Votes Opposing: Supervisors Wagner and Chaffee View the Voice of OC and Los Angeles Times articles.
Hills For Everyone had several key successes last year, but we continue to face numerous challenges threatening the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. This video captures some of the highlights of our work from 2018 including victories with Madrona and the passage of the Park Bond. It also covers some of challenges for 2019 like future acquisitions, the Esperanza Hills, Hidden Oaks, and Prado Raceway projects. Thank you for your continued support. Your financial contributions make this work possible. View the … Read More
If you want to see the KCET SoCal Connected episode that aired last night on wildfires and that also highlights the Esperanza Hills project, check it out below:
We continue to work with Yorba Linda residents from Protect Our Homes and Hills on the Esperanza Hills project. Hills For Everyone consultant Melanie Schlotterbeck was recently interviewed for a KCET-TV program. It is scheduled to air on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 8:00 PM on KCET-TV’s program SoCal Connected. Watch for it!