Sign the Petition
CHINO HILLS RESIDENTS:**Sign the Petition to STOP A High Density Development in Carbon Canyon** Add your name to the petition to tell the Chino Hills City Council you don’t support high density in Carbon Canyon. Sign here!
CHINO HILLS RESIDENTS:**Sign the Petition to STOP A High Density Development in Carbon Canyon** Add your name to the petition to tell the Chino Hills City Council you don’t support high density in Carbon Canyon. Sign here!
We are thrilled to report that the County of Los Angeles Regional Planning Commission unanimously endorsed enacting a strong policy related to housing in wildfire zones. This policy prohibits new subdivisions in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones unless entirely surrounded by existing built development, connects to infrastructure, and has roadways that can handle mass evacuations. This ground-breaking policy could set a model for addressing fire risk throughout the state. Hills For Everyone testified at the hearing yesterday supporting the … Read More
City of Yorba Linda continues to allow development on lands designated as open space. The 41 acre Hoff property adjacent to Chino Hills State Park would include a 15,000 square foot home. Comments are due Wednesday, April 21st at 5 PM. View the email sent to Yorba Linda residents.
The OC Register released an article on the risks of building homes in the canyons. Not only do firefighters have to contend with rugged terrain, but they must also deal with winding, narrow and dead-end streets. Taxpayers bear the burden of paying for homes in dangerous locations when fires strike. Maybe it is time to stop building houses at the Wildland-Urban Interface?