320 Acres Close Escrow

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We are elated to announced that today 320 acres closed escrow and are now permanently protected. The land, named after its owners: First National Investment Properties (First National), includes ridgelines visible from the popular Lower Aliso Canyon Overlook (as shown in the banner image). View our Press Release. Also, on June 28th, the second and final phase (80 acres) of the Eastbridge acquisitions closed escrow on the ridgeline lands identified in Lower Aliso Canyon. Both properties have been on the “must have” list for … Read More

Escrow Closes on 80 Acres

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We are thrilled to announce escrow has closed on the 80 acre Eastbridge property. The land was surrounded on three sides by Chino Hills State Park and on one side by the Mountains Recreation and Conservation Authority (L.A. Mountains). Thanks to the landowner (the Shopoff Group), the Wildlife Conservation Board, our consultants, and MRCA for their hard work making this conservation acquisition happen.

Chino Champion Covers Conservation Funding

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Thank you to the Champion Newspapers for continuing to cover Hills For Everyone’s work on Chino Hills State Park. This article captures the May 2021 Wildlife Conservation Board meeting where funding was appropriated for two acquisitions next to the State Park. View the Chino Champion article.

Ridgeline Properties Funded

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It has been less than a year since we made an announcement like this (and we hope this trend continues!). Chino Hills State Park was created along ridgeline boundaries to protect the viewshed for visitors and watershed for wildlife. Today, we are thrilled to announce that the Wildlife Conservation Board voted to fund two more ridgeline acquisitions—both properties have been coveted since the late 1970s!! View our Press Release. Shopoff Realty Investments (Eastbridge property shown above) was a willing seller in a transaction to … Read More

Press Release on Acquisition Funding

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Hills For Everyone is thrilled to announce that two ridgeline parcels immediately adjacent to Chino Hills State Park have been funded by the Wildlife Conservation Board for conservation acquisition from willing sellers. Both properties have been coveted for their prominent ridgeline positions since the late 1970s. Escrow is expected to close in the next couple of weeks on both properties bringing them into conservation status. View the Press Release and Acquisition Map.

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