Review HFE on Facebook
Hey! Do us a favor and fill out a review for Hills For Everyone. Let us know how you think we are doing protecting the unique natural lands in the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor.
Hey! Do us a favor and fill out a review for Hills For Everyone. Let us know how you think we are doing protecting the unique natural lands in the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor.
Hey, are you willing to show Hills For Everyone some pre-Valentine’s Day love? Please invite your Facebook friends to “like” our page. Help us get to 700 likes!
Hills For Everyone has received requests to allow the public to more freely engage with the organization via social media. Up until now, we’ve had our Facebook page set up to only allow Hills For Everyone page administrators to post to our wall. This means individuals with questions must contact us via email or via Facebook private message to reach us. As a reminder, we are a small conservation non-profit with a limited budget and carefully used staff time. That … Read More