Wildfire Science Evolves, Policies Should Too

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Wildfire advocates are pushing the latest science on wildfires toward hardened homes instead of relying only on brush clearance. This article explains why. Locally, during the Freeway Complex Fire (2008), embers flew miles ahead of the flame front and damaged or destroyed over 300 homes in three counties. View the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.

Fire Myths Clarified

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This is an important article to carefully read and slowly absorb about fires (especially the myths about forest fires versus chaparral fires). Fuel reduction has been the hot topic to “keep communities safe,” but in reality, the science is showing fires in these logged areas are actually burning hotter and more intensely. Spend some quality time reading this. Many thanks to Chad Hanson with the John Muir Project for his years of fire science work. View the article in Governing.

Gov Says OK to Build in Fire Areas

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Yes, we agree, people like living in and near nature. It provides recreational opportunities close to home, it increases property values, and it is beautiful. However, we would encourage the Newsom Administration to look at incorporating wildfire science and wildfire history into the land use equation. This information helps land use planners determine where to allow homes and where there is extreme fire danger (like multiple wildfires). Areas at most risk (regardless of the existence of homes) are places have … Read More

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