Buy It Where You Burn It

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The risk from these pests is present in the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. Note: As of this date, campfires are not permitted in Chino Hills State Park. But, since some residents burn wood in their fireplace and store wood outside, this information is helpful to slowing the spread. From Orange County Supervisor Todd Spitzer’s E-Newsletter: OC Parks is initiating a new firewood policy designed to reduce the risk of damaging Orange County’s oak and sycamore woodlands and other trees from invasive … Read More

ALERT: Gold Spotted Oak Borer in OC

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ALERT: The Goldspotted Oak Borer (GSOB) has been discovered in approximately 30 trees at Weir Canyon in northern Orange County. The trees are on regional park/reserve land but within a mile of homes. What can you do to prevent the spread? Do not buy or bring in firewood from other counties. Keep it local. This pest is killing our trees and it is because it is being carried across county lines by people… helping it spread.

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