2019 Recap Video

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Hills For Everyone focuses its efforts on the preservation of the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. This video captures some of the highlights of our work from 2019 including release of our updated Wildfire Study, aerial tours of hills, education campaigns with elected officials, and engagement on landscape level wildlife corridors. It also covers some of the land use challenges we faced like Esperanza Hills, Hidden Oaks, and the Prado Raceway. In 2020, we are focused on acquisitions, reducing wildfire ignitions, … Read More


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We are grateful for you, Happy Thanksgiving! – https://mailchi.mp/dc4f08…/november-2019-enewsletter-4676441 This e-newsletter features three articles: (1) a preview of the upcoming Giving Tuesday effort (December 3), (2) our hike with Assemblymember Phillip Chen, and (3) the Habitat Authority’s presentation on Brea Canyon Road concerns.

Animal Overpasses

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Wildlife bridges are coming to California to reduce animal-vehicle related collisions, keep wildlands connected, and retrofit transportation projects. Wildlife in the Santa Ana Mountains face inbreeding and extinction if the natural lands aren’t connected to other protected lands. But alas, work is already being done in the Puente Hills. In fact, the Puente Hills Habitat Authority undercrossing is featured in the article. Read the San Gabriel Valley Tribune article.

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