Hsi Lai Monastery Proposal

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Hills For Everyone plans to comment on the proposed Hsi Lai Monastery expansion. This is the step, the Notice of Preparation, before the Environmental Impact Report. The project’s current location sits in a very tenuous portion of the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. Read the San Gabriel Valley Tribune article.

Habitat Authority Preserve Hours Change

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The Puente Hills Habitat Authority Preserve hours are changing effective Monday, September 18, 2017… please make note. June – September 9 AM – 6 PM October – May 9 AM – 5 PM This applies to Sycamore Canyon, Hacienda Hills, and Turnbull Canyon trail access points.  It is already in effect at Hellman Park.  Violators subject to $175 – $1,000 fine.

Possible Permanent Trailhead Closure

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At the upcoming Habitat Authority Board meeting this Thursday, February 26th, at 3:00 the Board will be discussing the possible closing of the gate at Orange Grove in Hacienda Heights. This will have a major impact on access to Habitat Authority public lands in Hacienda Heights. So far the Board has just been hearing from the residents who don’t like having people going past their backyard fences. They need to hear from the people who actually use this trail. You … Read More

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