OpEd Written on 30×30 Campaign

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Thanks to a wonderful partnership with Friends of Harbors, Beaches & Parks (FHBP), a joint Opinion Editorial was written by our (and FHBP) consultant Melanie Schlotterbeck about opportunities that exist in and around Orange County for conservation acquisitions. Through a thorough mapping exercise we now know more than 30,000 acres are potentially available for conservation. Read the Opinion Editorial.

The Protected Lands Answer

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The answer is B. 23.1 million acres have already been permanently protected in California. This means the collective “we” need to still conserve eight million acres by 2030 to reach the 30×30 goal. Hills For Everyone has identified around 9,000 acres of immediate importance for conservation for the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor to ensure the landscape is protected and connected for the future.

SB 266 Gets More Press

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Our bill to protect more land by adding it into Chino Hills State Park was featured in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin. If SB 266 is successful, the Park will grow by about 1,530 acres. Thanks to Senator Josh Newman and his staff for their great work on the legislation. The bill’s next stop is the Appropriations Committee. Read the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin article.

Lands Protected in the Puente Hills

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It was announced at the Wildlife Corridor Conservation Authority (WCCA) meeting this week that the Puente Hills Habitat Authority secured additional lands! Two parcels totaling 2.34 acres were conserved near Harbor Blvd. in La Habra Heights from a willing seller. These lands, known as the Gale property, are important because the area is a choke point for wildlife movement. This acquisition adds to lands already within the Puente Hills Preserve. The Habitat Authority worked with WCCA to use Los Angeles County Proposition A … Read More

Cities Reach Historic Agreement

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Today three cities who are intimately interested in the future of the 2,750 acre Tres Hermanos Ranch in Upper Tonner Canyon reached agreement on its future governance. The Cities of Chino Hills and Diamond Bar thwarted Industry’s efforts to build a solar farm on the ranch land Industry was buying when both cities filed three lawsuits each in the fall of 2017. Both cities would have lost land use authority over the 2,750 acres because the solar farm project would have … Read More

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