Letters of Support Needed by Jan. 26
LA County Board of Supervisors will consider reducing the number of units that can be built Aera’s 2,700 acres. Submit your comments by January 26th! View the E-Alert.
LA County Board of Supervisors will consider reducing the number of units that can be built Aera’s 2,700 acres. Submit your comments by January 26th! View the E-Alert.
Rowland Heights, La Habra Heights, and Hacienda Heights residents should submit letters of support to the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission by Wednesday, July 26th to support the zone change of the Aera Energy lands in the Wildlife Corridor. View the E-Alert: https://bit.ly/43mw7O8
Today we provided feedback to the @CountyofLosAngeles Planning Department on its subdivision process. A key topic we raised included transparency in the process so that applicants understand when they submit the project application that the following policies, ordinances, and codes are in place related to their project (i.e., oak tree ordinance, wildfire/evacuation ordinance, and Significant Ecological Areas, etc.). The Department is accepting comments through the end of the month at: https://bit.ly/3eXVkuU
Today we testified before the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to support the proposed Safety Element–in partnership with Endangered Habitats League. The new language prioritizes community safety. The policies do not stop all new construction in fire zones, but only those projects which leapfrog beyond the current limit. This language was a balanced approach.
We are thrilled to report that the County of Los Angeles Regional Planning Commission unanimously endorsed enacting a strong policy related to housing in wildfire zones. This policy prohibits new subdivisions in Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones unless entirely surrounded by existing built development, connects to infrastructure, and has roadways that can handle mass evacuations. This ground-breaking policy could set a model for addressing fire risk throughout the state. Hills For Everyone testified at the hearing yesterday supporting the … Read More