30×30 Workshop on Mapping
Do you need to ensure your land trust, agency, or jurisdiction’s land is captured on the 30×30 map? If so, attend this free, virtual April 27th workshop to get the scoop on the mapping component of 30×30!
Do you need to ensure your land trust, agency, or jurisdiction’s land is captured on the 30×30 map? If so, attend this free, virtual April 27th workshop to get the scoop on the mapping component of 30×30!
If you are involved in 30×30… you’ll want to join in on these free virtual workshops. This one has a speaker focused on environmental stewardship in coastal wetlands. Help California achieve 30×30!
This mapping project of bird diversity by the University of Wisconsin, Madison may help conservation efforts across the United States.
Today is Indigenous Peoples’ Day. Have you ever wondered who lived on this land before us? Check out this informative mapping tool to understand the territories of various tribes throughout the world. The Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor sits within the lands inhabited by the Payómkawichum (Luiseño), Gabrielino/Tongva Nation, and Kizh Nation. Visit the mapping tool website.
Hills For Everyone has released an updated version of its Wildland Fire Study. The updated report documents the fire perimeters, points of origin, causes, and (if known) weather conditions for fires that burned in, adjacent to, or near Chino Hills State Park between 1914 and 2018. The top three most identifiable causes of wildland fires in the Study Area are: arson, automobiles, and fireworks. View Our Press Release.View the Maps: Fire Ignitions, Fire Causes, and Fire Frequency.Download the Report.View the … Read More