Hills For Everyone’s Work Featured at CSU Fullerton

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Hills For Everyone Consultant Melanie Schlotterbeck presented at the annual CSUF Geography Club “All Points of the Compass” Conference today. She is an alumni of the Geography Department and focused the presentation on how geography tools (both environmental and planning) have been used to help conserve land in the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor.

Traffic Leads to Conservation

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Hills For Everyone’s Claire Schlotterbeck got a shout out for creating Chino Hills State Park in this article. You could say the apple does not fall far from the tree with daughter Melanie Schlotterbeck featured in the article. Read the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service article.

Lands Permanently Preserved

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It isn’t everyday that you can celebrate a BIG conservation achievement. In unprecedented partnerships with transportation agencies, wildlife agencies, and the conservation community Hills For Everyone and many others celebrate a major milestone 12 years in the making. Conservation Plans permanently protecting 1,300 acres of land and restoring 350 acres were finalized. This team effort deserves a few photos!

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