Rodenticide Bill Goes to Governor

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In the wee hours of the morning, the legislative session ended with the Assembly and Senate taking their last votes on proposed legislation. Some bills made it out (and go to the Governor’s desk) and some didn’t. One bill that our organization supported, AB 1788, (authored by Assemblymember Bloom) is on its way to the Governor’s desk. According to the Mountain Lion Foundation, “studies show that 80-90% of predators [like mountain lions and bobcats] have been exposed to highly toxic … Read More

Mountain Lion Advocacy

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Our friends at the Mountain Lion Foundation have partnered with Center for Biological Diversity with the aim to list the cougars in the Santa Ana Mountains as threatened under the California Endangered Species Act. This population is genetically different than other cougars in California and their very existence is threatened by habitat loss and limited wildlife corridors. Thanks to our partnership with Chino Hills State Park and Caltrans 12, we secured the connection under the 91 freeway at Coal Canyon … Read More

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