Spring is Here

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Now that we are officially “in” Spring, here are some facts about California Poppies. It became the official state flower of California on March 2, 1903. And, on April 6th it is California Poppy Day. Poppies are bright, cheerful, and easy to grow in your garden too. Like all plants, wildlife, and resources in our parklands–they are protected by law. Keep them in the ground where they belong.

Protect Park Resources

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Yay! The flower blooms have started in Chino Hills State Park. The trails have been closed due to the recent rains to keep everyone safe and ensure the trails have time to dry out. When the trails re-open, if you plan to visit any park to view wildflowers, please:1. Always stay on designated trails. (Yes, that means you).**It is a designated trail if it is on the official park map and is labeled with a trail sign.**2. Obey the signs. (Yes, … Read More

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