Bird ID Answer: Barn Owl

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If you participated in our little bird identification quiz yesterday… here is the answer. The image we posted was of a baby barn owl. Its heart shaped face was a give away. This shape acts as a “satellite-dish” funneling the sounds–helping them to locate food, which usually consists of small mammals (rats, mice, voles, etc.) that they can find in complete darkness. Barn owls usually have a clutch size of 2-18 eggs, which incubate for 29-34 days in a nest … Read More

Bird Identification Quiz

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Can you ID this baby? 1. Its baby photo looks nothing like its adult photo.2. Full grown, they are medium sized (like crow size).3. They have long legs.4. It nests in cavities, dense trees, or abandoned buildings.5. This bird is a predator. Clearly, this bird has an appearance only its mother could love, but boy is it pretty when it is full grown. What is it?

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