August E-Newsletter
August Heatwave a Good Reminder Know how to be safe outdoors in the extreme heat, view the Neowise comet, and learn about the recent Migratory Bird Treaty win! View the August E-Newsletter.
August Heatwave a Good Reminder Know how to be safe outdoors in the extreme heat, view the Neowise comet, and learn about the recent Migratory Bird Treaty win! View the August E-Newsletter.
Remember to look up at the night sky … the peak is Sunday, August 12th to Monday August 13th.
Right now the Perseid Meteor showers are in full swing… so go look at the night sky in the middle of the night. Most of the meteors are going from north to south in the night sky. But Monday, woah, next Monday we have a full solar eclipse. If you aren’t travelling to place that you can see the full eclipse (like most of us), check out the following link to see what it will look like in your zip … Read More
This time every August the Perseid Meteor Showers rain from the heavens. Find a dark place (like the desert) or even just sit in your backyard and watch the show. Apparently the moon isn’t cooperating this time and may make viewing more difficult. Go enjoy the night sky! Check out the article from the LA Times.