Subdivision Process Testimony

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Today we provided feedback to the @CountyofLosAngeles Planning Department on its subdivision process. A key topic we raised included transparency in the process so that applicants understand when they submit the project application that the following policies, ordinances, and codes are in place related to their project (i.e., oak tree ordinance, wildfire/evacuation ordinance, and Significant Ecological Areas, etc.). The Department is accepting comments through the end of the month at:

LA County Safety Element

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Today we testified before the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to support the proposed Safety Element–in partnership with Endangered Habitats League. The new language prioritizes community safety. The policies do not stop all new construction in fire zones, but only those projects which leapfrog beyond the current limit. This language was a balanced approach.

Wildfires, Survival Tips

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This solid Los Angeles Times article talks about ways to survive wildfires… it isn’t clearing vegetation per se, it also includes having safe places for people to go during a wildfire (like a community green space) and hardening your home. This is especially important if you cannot escape a firestorm and become trapped, like the residents in Paradise. View the Los Angeles Times article.

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