Plant Adaptations: Upward Pointing Leaves

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An image of a Toyon plant with upward pointing leaves and red clustered berries with the plant name identified in the upper left corner in white letters. The words “Plant Adaptation” in green below the image and “Upward Pointing Leaves” in yellow letters at the bottom of the graphic. The Hills For Everyone logo is on the bottom right and all of this information is set against a black background.

Plant Adaptations: Hairy Leaves

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Here is another plant adaptation for our Mediterranean climate.  Small hairs on the leaf (called trichomes) help keep the plant cool and protect it from the sun. The hairs reduce the rate of water loss (through transpiration) by deflecting the effects of wind, heat, and direct sunlight. Sycamore leaves are also hairy. Similarly, the hair on our own heads also serves the same purpose.

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