Flight Over the Wildlife Corridor

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When the conditions are right, Hills For Everyone takes to the air to see what the latest and greatest views provide of the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. See what these 2017 aerial photographs reveal.  

Jeff Yann of Hacienda Heights Passed

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We are reeling from the sudden loss a dear friend to the cause of protecting our region. Jeff Yann, a deeply engaged activist from Hacienda Heights died in a snorkeling accident in Hawaii. A longtime leader in the Sierra Club, Jeff also served on the Advisory Board to the Wildlife Corridor Conservation Authority. Early on in the effort to connect our hills together into a backbone of open space, he put his analytical skills to work to figure out how … Read More

Our East-West Hills Are Unique

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For all you geology or geomorphology buffs out there. The Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor is unique on many levels. Geologically speaking it is really unique. Most mountain ranges across the globe, run north-south while ours run east-west. The arrows show three east-west ranges in SoCal (left: Santa Monica Mountains, center-bottom: Puente-Chino Hills, right: Angeles-San Bernardino National Forests). How cool is that?

2015 Recap Video

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Hills For Everyone had significant accomplishments in 2015 with many challenges across the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor.  This video captures some of the highlights of our work as well as some of things we will be working on in 2016.  Thank you for your continued support.  Your support and financial contributions make this work possible.

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