30 by 30 Campaign

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Yesterday we participated in a virtual workshop put on by the state that will use Nature Based Solutions to meet California’s climate goals and the Governor’s goal of protecting 30% of our lands and waters by 2030. Nature Based Solutions include: land acquisition, restoration, adding trees in urban areas, etc. We have received grant funding to be engaged in the 30×30 campaign for SoCal–and yes, we have big plans for 2021. Stay tuned.

Save the Cougar Petition

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** ACTION NEEDED ** Hills For Everyone supports the effort to list the Southern California mountain lion as a California endangered species–along with many other groups. This listing would give cougars more protections and considerations when developments, road or infrastructure projects are contemplated. On April 16th, the California Fish and Game Commission considers to list the cougar or not. Here is where we need your help, sign the Center for Biological Diversity’s petition to save the cougar! Without the cougar … Read More

Survey About SoCal Land Uses

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The Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), a regional planning agency, is soliciting feedback on the future of SoCal’s development, transportation, and open space. If you support open space–and we think you do–make sure you state that in the survey (which takes about five minutes to complete). This information will be used by the Association to help plan for the needs of the region. We do attend the planning meetings, but when they ask for public input–we really need your help … Read More

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