THCA Advances Visioning Process

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The message was consistent from the public that an inventory of natural resources was needed before any land use decisions were made for the Tres Hermanos Ranch. The Tres Hermanos Conservation Authority heard it and listened. Hills For Everyone is already working on a follow up letter with recommendations to the Authority Board. View the Chino Champion article.

Conservation Authority Starts Visioning Process

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We were pleased to hear so much support from the Tres Hermanos Conservation Authority and public to proceed with a visioning process for the ~2,500 acre Tres Hermanos Ranch. Most directors understood the importance of doing the baseline biological study first. Think of it like inheriting your grandma’s home. You do an inventory of her possessions to see what items she left in the house before you rent it out. You need to know what is valuable (or not) before … Read More

June E-Newsletter Released

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Learn about how humans impact our wildlands and their inhabitants and why dogs are only allowed in some places. Following park rules is a must to maintain the ecological integrity of the land. Also, information on new heli-hydrants is covered as well. View the June 2021 E-Newsletter.

Visioning Process May Begin

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The Tres Hermanos Conservation Authority is hosting a virtual meeting Wednesday night at 6 PM to discuss the future of the Tres Hermanos land. This visioning process will help outline the thoughts, ideas, and expectations of the property. Hills For Everyone supports doing a resource inventory first to understand the landscape before determining its future potential uses. In other words, know what you have before you make plans that may be contrary to the natural resources. View the Chino Champion … Read More

Tres Hermanos Use Questioned

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Hills For Everyone has been consistent in its position that if Tres Hermanos was really saved for conservation, then an inventory of the natural resources is needed before anything new occurs on the property. The Authority has had two years to do that inventory and it hasn’t. View the Chino Champion article.

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