February E-Newsletter

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Stunning Wildflowers Blooming in the Hills… This e-newsletter features the recent radio interview Melanie Schlotterbeck did on our work, highlights the hard work of volunteers removing miles of barbed wire fencing and the proper wildflower viewing etiquette! View the February E-Newsletter.

Volunteers Needed

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Are you interested in volunteering to remove barbed wire in the State Park to eliminate barriers for wildlife movement? If so, we are looking for *very sturdy* volunteers for this project deep in the park. Volunteers will drive to the site and work in two different locations. Date: Friday, October 21st Time: 7 AM – 12 PM Want to volunteer? Contact Mary@chinohillsstatepark.org.

Partnerships are Key

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We are always pleased to partner with others, like the Chino Hills State Park Interpretive Association and Chino Hills State Park to make progress on preservation, restoration, access, and recreation to our public lands. And a shout out to all the volunteers too! Go team! View the Chino Champion article.

Barbed Wire Removal Opportunity

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If you are interested in helping remove obsolete barbed wire from Chino Hills State Park, there is a work party scheduled the morning of Friday, February 25th. A list of items to wear or bring will be provided. It is likely the last volunteer day on this task until the Fall. To volunteer, please reach out to us and we’ll get you to the volunteer coordinator.

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