Reminder: Fireworks Are Illegal

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Every year around this time our stress levels increase because some residents choose to ignore restrictions on fireworks. Restrictions meant to keep us, our property, and our parks safe. Did you know that 99% of wildfires in our hills are because of human causes? Fireworks being one of those causes–and always around the 4th of July. Let’s stay safe and only watch the professional shows.

Wildfire Science Evolves, Policies Should Too

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Wildfire advocates are pushing the latest science on wildfires toward hardened homes instead of relying only on brush clearance. This article explains why. Locally, during the Freeway Complex Fire (2008), embers flew miles ahead of the flame front and damaged or destroyed over 300 homes in three counties. View the San Gabriel Valley Tribune.

LA County Safety Element

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Today we testified before the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to support the proposed Safety Element–in partnership with Endangered Habitats League. The new language prioritizes community safety. The policies do not stop all new construction in fire zones, but only those projects which leapfrog beyond the current limit. This language was a balanced approach.

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