Wildlands & Wildfire Workshop

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Today we were at the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) focusing on a study of wildfire, water, wildlands, and policy. The study being worked on is just at the beginning and will take a few years to complete. We will keep you posted how it impacts and influences the Wildlife Corridor.

KCET Interview to Air 1/15

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We continue to work with Yorba Linda residents from Protect Our Homes and Hills on the Esperanza Hills project. Hills For Everyone consultant Melanie Schlotterbeck was recently interviewed for a KCET-TV program. It is scheduled to air on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 8:00 PM on KCET-TV’s program SoCal Connected. Watch for it!

Climate Change Increase Fire Risk

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Fire scientists have been tracking wildfires in Southern California and have documented that when our coastal sage scrub and chaparral habitats burn too frequently–those habitats change. It’s called type conversion. For us, the habitats convert from our scrub/chaparral landscapes to weedy, non-native invasive grasslands. Non-native grasslands are considered flashy fuels that out compete the native plants, and are easier to ignite and spread fire faster across our habitat lands. Read the Los Angeles Times article.

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