Wildlife Tracking 4 of 5

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Be attentive to other clues around you to indicate what animal the track might belong to. For example, is there scat, fur, or feathers near it? How old is the track or animal evidence? How degraded is the track or is it super fresh? Look for clues that give you an idea of species; leading toe, claws/no claws, is there a tail drag mark? There are lot of things to help you determine the animal that made the track… work … Read More

Wildlife Tracking 3 of 5

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Look for information the track can relay. Direction is easily identified as tracks have a “top” (toes) and “bottom” heel. The animal’s gait (movement pattern) can be identified as well. For example, tracks look different in a lope, trot, gallop, run, and more. Finally, speed can be determined by the integrity of the print (slow = good definition, fast = explosive track).

Wildlife Tracking 2 of 5

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Getting out early means the tracks are fresh with limited disturbance. Good substrate equates to something that a track impression will hold up well in. For example, slightly wet soil or mud is better than sand, which has limited definition retention of a track. Track signatures are what the animal is known for in a stance or walking pattern. For example, rabbits have a “Y” shape with two front prints and the back two in a straight line down.

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