Editorial on Protecting Cougars

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The Los Angeles Times published an editorial on the threats facing cougar populations locally and statewide. Humans have greatly impacted the cougar count because of roads, encroachment, and rodenticides. As the Editorial Board correctly stated, we need to consider how to reduce our impacts on these populations or they will forever vanish from the landscape. View the Los Angeles Times Editorial.

Fewer Cars, Fewer Wildlife Killed

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A pandemic positive is that 34% fewer wildlife have been killed by vehicles across the US. Having safe passages for wildlife to get from Point A to Point B is critical to maintaining wildlife populations and genetic diversity. Across the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor several connections must still be made, several must be made safer, and a few are already complete. More money may be available from the federal government to help with connectivity by allocating $350M to the effort! … Read More

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