When outside always be aware of your surroundings, but also have a little fun with it and see who might have been there before you. Watch for signs of animal evidence on the trail. Below is a photo of tracks on a trail in Chino Hills State Park.
Here is a quiz:
1. Can you identify what animal made this track?
2. Can you tell which direction it was headed? (up ⬆️ or down ⬇️)
3. Can you tell if it was likely walking or running?
4. Can you tell how fresh the tracks are? (very new ↔️ very old)
1. Can you identify what animal made this track? Mule Deer
2. Can you tell which direction it was headed? Up ⬆️ (green arrow)
3. Can you tell if it was likely walking or running? Walking — because there is little disturbance of the soil at the edge of the print. Running would have a lot of debris blown at the end of the track. (orange line)
4. Can you tell how fresh the tracks are? Fairly new — the edges of the track have not caved or disintegrated (blue circle)